Saturday, February 22, 2020

The folly of Bryan Townsend, in one letter

As Senator Townsend (along with cohorts Rep Osienski and NCC's Diller) goes around telling everyone that the loss of the Orphanage Property wasn't his fault, and that he exhausted everything in his effort to save it, nothing could be farther from the truth. It is very important to keep this at the forefront, given Mr Townsend's gross talent as a politician, liar and con-artist.

Nothing can change the fact that Senator Townsend knew years in advance that the Felician Sisters were looking to build, yet he NEVER brought this to the public and Advocate's attention. Each time someone would confront him with this fact, his go-to answers were "we didn't think it would happen" or "we didn't think the Sisters could get a plan approved" or "we did mention it at local civic meetings" (meetings that virtually nobody attends).

FACT: Mr Townsend knew of the threat of development in 2013, well before the plans were drawn up and the regional park alternative was FAR more achievable. He should have immediately recognized the invaluable opportunity before him, to do something great for his district and his constituents. He should have realized Ogletown-S. Newark (i.e. Route 4 corridor) was in need of its own regional park, instead of having to drive 20 min to Glasgow and Pike Creek. HE didn't do that, he didn't see the need for this invaluable open space as a public asset, because that would fly in the face of his donor interests in the building industry.

FACT: Townsend-Osienski DID write this formal letter (image right) to their constituents in Aug of 2018, regarding a "trail opportunity" in what remains of the Orphanage Property woods. No letter was sent in  2013 regarding a potential Regional Park opportunity, that one or both legislators could have easily championed. As it turned out, the "trail "opportunity" ended in failure due to private property, maintenance and liability issues -- and probably future development potential, i.e. Chestnut Hill "Preserve" Phase 2.

Despite such widespread and enthusiastic support for a regional park, no amount of action or visibility on the part of residents and citizens counted toward democracy in Townsend's District 11. And in light of such blatant corruption, neither did the rule of law. It became painfully clear that, from the very beginning, the fate of the Orphanage Property was already sealed. By the time Advocates and the broader public were notified in July 2015, it had advanced to a stage that nobody could stop it.

After 2 years secretly knowing that development plans were underway, Senator Townsend and Rep Osienski grant newly elected New Castle County Executive Matthew Meyer full discretion and negotiating rights over saving the Orphanage Property as a regional park. By this time, plans for the Chestnut Hill "Preserve" were already in an advanced state and were destined to happen regardless of legislator input.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

An open letter to the Republican Party of Delaware

This letter was sent on Feb 8, 2020

Dear Republican (R) Party of Delaware, 2020 Candidates and their Supporters,

We at are as dismayed with the Democratic (D) party as you are, but likely for different reasons. Please listen to us; defending Trump and perceived attacks against the 2nd amendment is NOT going to win it for R candidates, at least in New Castle County. You need to adjust your strategy, to reach a wider base of potential support.

Please address the current Democrat Leadership's well documented corruption and brutal hypocrisy, as well as their documented failed leadership to their own constituents. Many of these Constituents who do not agree with Townsend's view, and challenge those views, are blocked from the Facebook pages of these Legislators, and as such, cannot comment and have their voices heard. Many other voters are searching for answers, for Candidates who share their concerns. To that end, it is your responsibility to reach out to these voters, to state firm platform issues, e.g. environmental conservation, that were once the pride of moderate (R)s such as former greatly respected and revered Governor Russell Peterson, U.S. Senator William Roth, former Governor and U.S. Rep Mike Castle, etc. The (R)s today, even in Delaware, appear to have abandoned such moderation, and are generally viewed as anti-environment. That alone is against you, already.

Rep Mike Ramone (R), District 21, New Castle Cty
We're giving friendly advice here; in trying to unseat these firmly entrenched and corrupted (D)s, you have to put aside the same tired and losing strategies that too few Delawareans -- especially those on the fence -- care about. These voters can narrowly determine outcomes, and to them, it's usually quality of representation that matters. The "Democratic" party has been an EPIC FAILURE in this State where constituent representation is concerned -- for decades -- right where people live. Just ask Rep Mike Ramone what it takes to win, he is hugely popular.

The Rs should pay serious attention to Townsend, and the potential consequences, as he and his party are grooming him Statewide for U.S. Congress or Governor. It was a (D) District insider, upon moving out of State, that confessed to us that Townsend is the Delaware (D) Party anointed. He has been traveling the State, passing high profile legislation for the sake of statewide name and face recognition. He strategically places himself in all the right places, insincerely taking up the causes of, and being photographed with, African Americans, women, Muslims, impoverished people, and other minority classes. At 38 years old, he's already shown his disregard for his own local Constituents (when he should have been fighting to protect the Orphanage Property against massive development) by running for U.S. Rep in 2016. It's abundantly obvious that he's a rising star of his Party. Unless you act, he could potentially be one of our U.S. Congressmen or Governor in the coming decade or two.

That said, feel free to use anything from this website if so inclined. In particular, the right column "Top Articles" is a list of links connecting Townsend and his (D) cohorts to gross corruption and/or incompetence, as well as statewide corruption resulting from entrenched (D) party control.

Thanks so much, and best of luck to all of you come November.